Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reborn Dolls: From Unrealistic to Lifelike

Since their creation, reborn dolls have been becoming known and popular. Whether its popularity is shaped by raving and rants, reborn dolls are recognized and identified by its nature of “from unrealistic to realistic.” For years, it has emerged to become somewhat controversial without having the real intention to be divisive. As the term “reborn” connotes, it clearly involves removing some parts and the paint of dolls and repainting it so it can look like more lifelike like a newborn or baby.

What is really a reborn doll? Why have reborn dolls emerged in the market? What are they for? Can you make your own reborn doll instead of buying those being sold in stores?

Reborn dolls are manufactured vinyl play dolls. Actually, these dolls are just the ordinary dolls before they were transformed to give mush realism in order to resemble a human baby. There are several terms that are connected with reborn dolls. They can be called as living dolls or unloving dolls. In a more technical manner, reborn dolls are referred to as doll replicas of a real baby. The process of transforming an ordinary doll to a reborn doll is reborning. The person who does the process is called as reborner.

Reborning involves several steps and all these steps are time-consuming. Basically, the process involves taking a vinyl doll and adding paint, glass, or beads just to get a more realistic look and feel. Reborn doll kits are available for reborners for doll parts and supplies to aid in reborning vinyl dolls. When reborners use a reborn doll kit, the process is called newborning. It allows the reborner to omit some of the normal steps of fabrication. Altering a doll in the inside and outside is needed to create a doll that is more realistic.

There are several reasons why people buy or make reborn dolls. Some may purchase a reborn doll to replace a lost child or a child that has grown up. Others buy or make reborn dolls for a hobby. A collection of reborn dolls seems more interesting than collecting regular dolls. Others take more care of these kinds of dolls as they are more lifelike. There are others that do reborning as a relaxation activity or help them in the grieving process for a death of a child. Although, experts say reborning can be a good distraction, many are still doing it.